What does it mean being a Taurus?

I was just wondering what it meant to be a Taurus (sun sign)? Also what signs are most compatible with a Taurus?
Thank you :)


Favorite Answer

I'm so hungry ^_^
Let's see, since we're basing this on sun signs, um.
You'd be most compatible with Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio. Your relationships with Scorpios might be a bit "RAWR" because they're your opposite sign. We learn things from our opposite sign, but some things are painful to see.

Stereotypically, you're lazy (though this really depends on ascendent, moon and mars), like your food, stubborn, appreciative of things you feel, fond of cooking, green thumbed, yada yada yada.

You'll get better information from the question you posted that has your chart in it.
Sometimes people get pissy if you want a chart summery, because it can take a lot of work.
But, good luck.
And stuff.


Taurus is a wonderfully grounded sign. They are stubborn, hate change, tend to be friendly, tend to be committed, warm, earthy, reliable and in general, a real go- getter of the zodiac because they can be very determined!

Compatibility wise, Taurus tends to get along well with the other Earth signs (Virgo and Cap), Libra, and Cancer.

Despite this, don't just look at your Sun sign when comparing it to the compatibility of another's (or even your own personality). You might want to look at the whole chart (especially their Moon or Venus) and see if these planets are compatible with your own as well. Good luck!


loyal, reliable, bad temper

supposedly most compatible with Capricorn, Virgo, and to a slightly lesser degree Cancer, Pisces, and Scorpio.

I think compatibility is relative though. Whether it's by design or randomness, there's people I can't stand that I "should" and people I love that I "shouldn't."


It's you huh ugly? Look at that face. Ask your mother.


persistent, lazy, likes to be comfortable, a good friend and lover