What does my natal chart say about me?

I was just wondering what my natal chart says about me?
Also, what signs are best compatible with me?

Thank you so much!


I was born at 2:04 pm, and it was in May. I don't want to put a specific date year or place.


Your Pluto/Sun opposition is also square to your Mars; this in itself shows the value of actually posting a chart as opposed to the data in your last question. It was possible to realise this but it would take too much effort whereas now it can be easily seen.
This is a very challenging aspect formation and is known as a t-square pattern. The combined energies of Pluto and your Sun are all squaring up tp Mars, your energy and aggression etc. Your Mars is also in Leo as well. This all has tremendous potential, providing it's used properly as it does give you the potential to really explode.
The opposition to your Mars can show you ways around the potential problems this aspect formation can give you. This opposition is in Aquarius in your 6th house of day to day work and routine, and health issues. Perhaps some form of fitness instruction or something along this line would be a useful outlet for all this energy available to you. Your ascendant is Virgo, (once again health related), and it's ruler Mercury is right at home in Gemini, the communicator and both Mercury and Gemini are in your 10th house of career and public life. Aquarius is the innovator and so perhaps you can bring new ways into the health and fitness issues.
For sure, you have to find outlets for all your energy.
Your Mars is in a tight inconjunct aspect to your Neptune, this is where your confidence can perhaps let you down; you have to be aware of your true emotions and rely on them. This in itself can be hard for you because your Moon is in opposition to your Mercury, which is also in opposition to your Jupiter which is conjunct your Moon. Both your Moon and Jupiter are conjunct your IC, the cusp of your 4th house; this gives them added strength in your chart and they also show that family life is very important for you and your family actually will assist your growth. Having Jupiter in your 4th house is also very good for you as it shows you may be able to retire very early in life and live the good life. It also shows you may be an only child or the favourite of your parents.
If you can keep in check a constant need for more and your poor judgement and sweeping over the top views, you will have a very nice life.
One drawback is you have Saturn in your 7th house; this shows you have to take your time before getting married; definitely do not get married on the spur of the moment, and especially not for financial gain or security reasons. You should not consider marriage untill Saturn returns to where it is in your chart, (the Saturn return). That will be when you reach the age of 28 or 29, so you have many years to go yet. If you do get married before this time, make sure you go into every detail minutely, consider every angle, then and only then, will it have some chance of lasting. This is one astrological fact that has been proven time and time again and so, even if you believe nothing else, believe this one.
With all the action going on in your chart, you'll probably be too busy to even contemplate marriage anyway, for a while. Your partner should be the disciplined, ambitious type and probably older than you. Pisces is on the cusp of your 7th house and this is ruled by Neptune which is in Capricorn, the sign of discipline and ambition; that describes your partner in marriage or long term partnership.

EDIT: RICH HERO, you're an idiot, there's more than enough info in this chart for anyone who knows just a little about astrology to get all the accurate info' required. You obviously know nothing about astrology. If you don't know what you're talking about, why come on here and make a complete fool/moron of yourself.


If you don't want to put a specific date year or place then how can you get an accurate reading? You're just wasting time and you take astrology to suit your frivolous whimsical useless nature.

Get lost from my sight parasite, thanks.