Last name spelled incorrectly on plane ticket?

Okay...So my bf gave me his credit info to buy him a ticket..I bought it on Thrusday...flight is on dumb me i guess with the keyboards...put in an extra L at the end of his last name...his last name is Neil..So..I called priceline they can't do anything then I called Jetblue and they put a note in the computer? Do you think he will have a problem checking in and getting on the plane?

Indiana Jones2012-07-14T11:11:14Z

Favorite Answer

it should be recognized as a typo if the security agent even notices it at all.
he should be ok.


There shouldn't be a problem if the process of checking in and getting on the plane being that these situations happen often. If they said they put a note that means it will say it on the computer screen when you are going to check in. If they question it, just simply explain your situation. Make sure your bf brings proof of his identity of course. But other than that, no there shouldn't be much of a problem getting on the plane.


It takes like 2 minutes to %. up the telephone and dial the airline. Are you incredibly going to seem on the airport without a clue and particular omit your flight considering the fact which you trusted the people at yahoo solutions?