A guy hit me last night at a party....?
I'm a female, by the way.
There was a bunch of us at a party, everyone was drinking.
One the ride home the guy I was sitting next too (he really didn't seem that drunk), he said that if I cussed he would hit me.
I thought he was just kidding and forgot about it. A few minutes later I said "f*ck" and he immediately slapped me across the face. I really couldn't tell if he was just trying to joke around.. in a stupid drunk way.. I don't know. Everyone else in the car freaked out. One guy in particular who was in the back seat really freaked out and they both started yelling at each other.
As soon as we got back, I jumped out of the car as quick as possible and left. I saw them all standing in the group still screaming at each other in the parking lot, not sure if they ended up fighting or not.
Do you think they overreacted? I mean I obviously don't think it's ok for a guy to be hitting a girl. But I think he was just stupid and drunk and trying to be funny, I don't think he was legitimately trying to hurt me.
I don't know.. I'm still new here and I don't want to be causing drama so I don't know how I should be reacting to something like this.