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A guy hit me last night at a party....?

I'm a female, by the way.

There was a bunch of us at a party, everyone was drinking.

One the ride home the guy I was sitting next too (he really didn't seem that drunk), he said that if I cussed he would hit me.

I thought he was just kidding and forgot about it. A few minutes later I said "f*ck" and he immediately slapped me across the face. I really couldn't tell if he was just trying to joke around.. in a stupid drunk way.. I don't know. Everyone else in the car freaked out. One guy in particular who was in the back seat really freaked out and they both started yelling at each other.

As soon as we got back, I jumped out of the car as quick as possible and left. I saw them all standing in the group still screaming at each other in the parking lot, not sure if they ended up fighting or not.

Do you think they overreacted? I mean I obviously don't think it's ok for a guy to be hitting a girl. But I think he was just stupid and drunk and trying to be funny, I don't think he was legitimately trying to hurt me.

I don't know.. I'm still new here and I don't want to be causing drama so I don't know how I should be reacting to something like this.

2 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The A hole that hit you is the one who created the drama!

    It's so deeply ingrained into women not to raise a fuss, not to make a scene, that even after we've been physically violated and assaulted, we worry about being the one to cause the drama, or if it's our fault, or any of a number of ways we've been indoctrinated to accept the blame for men's bad behavior. Blowing it off as "He was *just* drunk and trying to be funny." is a classical excuse for violence. What is funny about a guy (I won't call him a man) hitting a woman?

    The only way that I would change this scenario if we could turn back the clock, I'd love to punch him in his face or kick him in his tender parts if he slapped me out of nowhere. In reality, in a car full of people I thought were my friends and we were tipsy or beyond, I'd probably be too stunned by the affront to react. I'm glad you have real friends who jumped on him at least verbally, for hitting you.

    By the way, a sideways punch to the nose hurts the recipient a lot, isn't too hard on the fist delivering it, and it holds a good chance of deforming that bit of cartilage, leaving him with a lifetime reminder of the time he slapped a woman and got what he deserved for doing it. It can also be delivered when sitting in a tightly-packed car.

    As things stand now, I suggest you talk to the people who took up for you. Thank them for defending you, ask them about the guy who hit you, see if they know of any chronic anger issues or woman issues he has, and get a feel for their attitudes about violence against women, the A hole, and you.

    Please try to see this question you asked in this light - You did nothing wrong, he did something very wrong, and the drama is all on him.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    You reacted fine. Whether someone is drunk or not gives them no reason to hit someone. I would honestly fine someone new to date or hang with because he doesn't seem like the type of person you'd want to be with. You should feel safe and trusted with your friends ESPECIALLY if you plan on drinking. Many guys get drunk and don't hit a girl. There is no excuse for that violent explosion.;_ylt=Aiy8M... - I answered yours can you do the same?

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