Punishment of a Toddler?
Let me trying to explain this best I can and please don't take this wrong way. I am a strong believe you shouldn't spanking a child but the same time a child need a boundary. That behinding say I am an uncle I came up an idea about bring in a car seat in the house. The reason I use the car seat as a time out because they are design to protect a child and keep them safe. I came the idea first when my nephew was kicking his grandma in her leg couple times and say it hurt and isn't listen to her aka my mother. I thought hey a car seat are design for that side note he is smart to know if the car sit in the car is ok because he is going somewhere but when his uncle me bring it in the house it is his time out sit. At the time did work and next week he wasn't listen neither of us my sister told my mom tell him if he does not listen his daddy will kick his but. Back of my mind hell no but he was not listen to us I say that it I will bring in the car sit again I put him in the car sit and I ask him are you OK and say he is I am OK but he did not like it. But his grandma and I watch him little bit and she explain to him and start to calm down and say I will listen and I say are you and say yes. Then I got him out the sit and listen to us. My question is did I choice the right route to punishment my nephew.
We also try the time-out stool or chair method and it did not work.
Another note we try this too "If you kick grandma again you are going in time-out", get down to his eye level and let him know your serious. And it did not work either.
I just say he know the difference between the car sit in the house is punishment but when it is in the car it is ok.
Hey ask him what is an Octagon, and some other geometry words he will show you and say the words. He know when the moon out is nighttime and other stuff that a normal 2 years old would not know. Another note you can reason with him and he can talk like his a normal adult. You would realize you are not dealing with very smart child and cute kid. So tell me a normal rules of a normal 2 year old child would work with him.
How many of you got kids or connected to kids. How many listen to your own advice and how many them of work. Because you talking about my logic is stupid, sometime those logic work the best sometime. I am I not perfect but I trying figure what is best for my nephew who is more advanced then his age group or even some age groups above his age.
Just let you all know he stop by today and behaving well good and no negative side effect therefore your overprotected logic wasn't need their for all your point view and answer were all wrong.
Just let you all know he stop by today and behaving well good and no negative side effect therefore your overprotected logic wasn't need their for all your point view and answer were all wrong.
Just let you all know he stop by today and behaving well good and no negative side effect therefore your overprotected logic wasn't need their for all your point view and answer were all wrong.