Was president Obama ever eligible for the draft?

I saw that Mitt Romney had 4 draft deferments I was wondering if the president had any


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He's a few years younger than me and the draft ended when I was 17

Romney on the other hand is a draft dodging scumbag that got 4 deferments on the basis of being a minister.

jack of all trades2012-07-25T06:29:01Z

President Obama is younger than I. During the Vietnam war, I had my student deferments and then high lottery numbers and finally Nixon did away with the draft. It's just possible that the President legally used deferments and was eligible otherwise for a very short period of time if at all. Good question!


all males have to register for the draft, still do. hope you did. But the military became all volunteer in 1973 so there have been no draft calls since. but yes he was eligible. Federal office holders and men over 39 yo are exempt from draft, so he is no longer eligible.


Obama's selective service records are among all of his other records that he has had "sealed" EVERYTHING from birth records to college records and everything in between including his parents marriage and divorce records, even his KINDERGARTEN records.


It's not so much being eligible for the draft; the question should be did he ever sign up.
From the people he hung out with I'd say no.

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