Short Shorts: Should BIG Women Wear Daisy Dukes?

Hear me out please before I am persecuted!

A LOT of areas in the US have experience an ongoing Heat Wave, that being said, I have seen a TON (no pun intended) of LARGER women wearing Daisy Dukes that look as if their daughters should be wearing them!

For the record, I am NOT trying to verbally ATTACK larger women, I'm just curious!

So tell me, should BIG women wear Daisy Dukes? Tell me your thoughts.


Favorite Answer

NOOOOOOOOOOO! I mean if she's like say, Adele then daisy dukes might wrk 4 her but anyone bigger than that body type should stay away from short shorts or anything tight or revealing. sorry but large (obese) women shouldn't be squeezing in2 tiny clothing lol


NO! I was on a bus this morning here in Seattle when a "lady" got on wearing small shorts and it is not even warm here in the Northwest. Her big black cheeks were hanging out all over. Not only was that ugly, I think it was a health hazard.


N-n-n-n-noooo!!! NOBODY wants to see their flob hang out!!! Can yoo imagine the jigglyness that would happen :& just NO!!!


I say if they fell comfortable about wearing them.Then yea