How do I straighten my hair?

Ok, I basically know how to straighten it. It just never works for me. I have medium length curly/wavy and frizzy hair, that is very very stubborn. Anytime I try to straighten it it takes me multiple passes over one piece of hair, and then it gets sort of stiff and ugly looking, yet still not straight, just flattened. Am I doing something wrong, or do I just have unstraightenable hair?


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my bestfriend is a hair dresser at the top salon in our state and my hair is the most unmanageable mop ever. Aside from maybe jewish hair (my poor jewish friend always wants straight hair but no matter what you do to it an hour or two later her curls are back). I have several ideas for you to try.

1) flat iron!!!! if you're using a 15$ walmart special then you're getting walmart special hair! get a tourmaline ceramic one that heats up to 450 or ok mine goes to 425(a biosilk..i also have a chi that works good too) and works great but my friends is a salon ordered $300 paul mitchell that goes to 450 and I get jealous LOL

2) spray. I actually use two things one is a leave in conditioner that is put out by a local salon here called fusion by and it takes away all the frizzes and softens your hair. Then I use a product called "give me shine" also by the same company once i've blow dried my hair. it's a heat protector and adds shine. Next you need alligator clips*

3) part your hair in 5 sections.
a & b) the front sides of your hair. start your part at just behind the back of the (so that you're only catching what fall on or infront of the ear)
c) at the top of your head make a half moon sweep (the part that will fall down over the rest of the hair in the back....
d & e) split the back into two sections down the center

4) at this point like to also have a butterfly clip for the section I"mw orking on so i don't have to keep dealing with the alligator clip on a section i'm constantly taking down and putting up

5) i'm assuming it's not the front section you have an issue with just take small sections (you should almost be able to see your fingers through your hair in the sections...working from the bottom upward and straighten straight down on the sides. see tips below for bangs.

6) on the back sections still working from bottom up take small sections but instead of trying to straighen down your back, tilt your head to the side just slightly and bring the hair around to the front and pull the hair forward as you straighten will fall straight when you put it back

7) should have enough for 2 or 3 sections of hair in this part. straighten these ones up and just slightly angled toward the back. when it falls down it will fall perfectly straight and not have the random bumps or parts (this is what took the most practice for me)

for super straight hair (with the rigged sharp ends) don't twist your flat iron at all. if you want it to curl in or out just a little when you get to the end flick the iron inward or outward slightly (practice)

side bang tricks: take the section that swoops across your forhead/face and iron it in the exact opposite way you want it to go. curl it a litle with your iron as you straighten(practice sometimes I put dramatic bump sometimes less, depends how much i want my hair in my eyes at the time) with a comb section it off and comb it to the opposite direction before straightening after you straighten it comb it back into place'll give a soft swoop and look like it falls naturally instead of a hair straight fall to the side.

for added fun quick styles...once you master this, using the same technique you can curl your hair with the straightener by clamping the straightener onto your hair at the root and twisting the straightener until your hair is looped around it once and then pull down gently...after take the curl in your hand an d twist it around your finger and it will form the perfect curl. follow this for all over and then turn your hair over and shake it out/run your fingers through it and you've got a cute curly hair :)

EDIT: my hair likes to kink up so I use "hard head" by bed head hair spray. holding it almost arms length away from hair spray moderately because it's strong and if you get to close or too much you won't have flexibility you'll have 80's hair (think: aquanet)

If none of this works for you, you could consider a kerotin based treatment I forget what the less expensive/temporary...lasts about 4 weeks one is called but there's also the brazillian blow out that's fantastic but expensive....worth it if you wear our hair straight everyday and don't want to deal with fussing over it every morning. It's brush, touch up and go basically :)
OH also get a hair dryer with a concentrator attachment and blow dry with a round brush.


Try getting a better straightener and also when youre straightening down follow the straightener with a brush or comb it really helps and just keep repeating the process


What Straightners have you got. Get ghds go on their website they will show u wat to do. Also get a heat spray that helps too. You can get them for a pound at the supermarket. Answer mine;_ylt=Aqyn10Ob5m6zJb1JhvnFxwzc4yA5;_ylv=3?qid=20120726011404AAljGtI