Why J Carney Obama's press Secretary will not name Jerusalem as the capital of Israel?

did you see the confrontation between reporters trying to find out what the Obama administration believes, he could not speak the words that is how sick that administration is. They hate the Jews and Obama hates their Prime Minister. Obama Ideology is shinning through.


Jerusalem has always been their Capital since God gave them that land. And Jesus walked the streets.


Their Temple will be rebuilt in Jerusalem as before.


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He didn't name Tel Aviv either.

What bothers me is the avoidance of an answer to a very basic question. Of course, it completely overshadowed that we're giving more aid to Israel.


The United States has always recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, it is just that nut job Obama, and his hateful administration and the other socialized nations that hate Israel, everyone has turned against Israel, that is what the bible says will happen. Obama hates Jews he can't hide it any more. He made that plain when he was speaking with Sarkozy in France.


I don't believe any nation recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, America never has. In diplomatic terms, Tel Aviv remains their capital.

Jerusalem must decided by negotiations, not just one-sided proclamations. And there is no bigger supporter of Israel than me. The passion behing Jerusalem reaches too many people.


in accordance to the Knesset, Jerusalem is the capital city. maximum international locations reject this view and characteristic their consulates in Tel Aviv with the intention to placate Palestinians and circulate alongside with the UN consensus.


This administration is poisoned with political correctness and hatred for the Jewish people.

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