Why are these important Republicans being ignored by Romney as they ask for his taxes to be revealed?

Texas Gov. Rick Perry,
Ron Paul,
Britt Hume,
Robert Bentley. The governor of Alabama
Haley Barbour. The former governor of Mississippi
Matthew Dowd. The former adviser to George W. Bush
George Will. The conservative Washington Post columnist
Rep. Walter Jones. The North Carolina Republican
Michael Steele. The former chair of the Republican National Committee
Mike Murphy -long ime GOP consultant and former Romney employee
Wayne MacDonald The chair of the New Hampshire GOP
Sen. Chuck Grassley The Iowa Republican

I know many want to divert this subject on to one of Obama but that would not answer my question.


So far half of you have diverted your answers to a different subject. Who am I supposed to show my tax returns to? I'm not running for office or depending on votes for anything. I asked a simple question.

D. Control2012-08-03T08:04:32Z

Favorite Answer

Evidently, Romney has something to hide, and each day he side-steps this issue, the glare of suspicion on him will increase.

I find it totally ironic that his supporters see this as a non-issue, yet they spent millions on the "The Birther Movement" in order to have 0bama's origin of birth investigated.

The insolence and arrogance of the Conservative Party will continue to haunt them because they betrayed America by playing 'partisan politics' during a crisis, instead of behaving like public servants!


properly enable's see, I do taxes for the midsection classification and my purchasers for the main area do no longer pay any taxes. in the event that they actually paid $500 that could desire to get tremendously some distance in direction of balancing the funds. The $500 is approximately $a million.40 in line with day. that's a non-journey.


WHO CARES? This is not even an issue to myself and many others. Democrats should be more concerned over the willingness of their party leaders to lie, cheat, probably steal in order to win an election. Your party is corrupt and filled with your beloved 1% leaders yet you follow blindly like good little partisan morons. You know that their isn't any requirement for a candidate or politician to release any tax returns past one year, right? Truthfully, you and your party are in full on running scared mode and it's actually starting to hurt your chance of reelection now.


There is no reason for Mr. Romney to reveal any of his tax returns. If the Infernal Revenuers had found ANY problems with ANY of them, we would have sen the 80 point headlines by now.

Let's see YOUR tax returns.


Gotta love the democrats--sorry your attempt at diversion is meaningless

8.2 % unemployment for 40+ months
5 trillion in addition debt with little to show for it
1.5% growth rate-
fast and furious

Can we talk about your fearless leaders record and how he is going to be an improvement over Romeny--no body cares about your mud slinging

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