Is this true, its about the U.S Military?

ok I thought I heard that if you get injured in the miliary, badly that the government gives you a monthly check for the rest of you life. Like if you lose a limb or something. Can you tell me if this is true, and if it is do you know how much these monthly checks are?

also im talking about the U.S

and also my grandfather was in the Korean War, he was forced to go. But anyway he broke his leg and got a 80 dollar monthly check for the rest of his life.


I just want to make a comment about ramiros answer. I thought that maybe things changed over the past 50- 60 years, ppl could be such assholes on here


Favorite Answer

80 whole dollars! Wow.

Did he spend it all in one place?

Yak Rider2012-08-06T04:01:32Z

If you are injured the way it will be dealt with depends on the severity of the injury (degree of disability). It can vary from medical retirement to a partial disability payment from the VA to simple treatment for life from the VA.

Walter C2012-08-06T03:57:57Z

If the injury is military related and a PERMANT disability, Then you retire at your current rank and collect the retirement pay for the rank.


You have to be 100 percent disabled before you'll get a decent amount of disability compensation from the VA.


Not to be a jerk but didn't you already answer your own question?