What should I do with my hair?

It's a little past my shoulders, wavy/curly and while it used to be dyed bright red it's been slowly working it's way back to brown. I'm thinking of going all blue in a couple months. My mom is taking me school shopping (ugh) soon and she said I may as well get a hair cut while I'm out. What do you think I should get? Just a trim, or something else? I always wind up getting layers or whatever, and it always makes my hair look poofy unless I spend forever on it which I hate.
I'm re-asking since I forgot to say that I'm a girl last time and someone told me to put it in an afro -_-

Kara beara2012-08-06T18:30:00Z

Favorite Answer

maybe get it thinned out a bit with long layers to avoid the poofing problem.
a for the length just trim it an inch or so nothing crazy