What is your secret Power?

Post your Sun/Mars and Moon
you can use your name or username :D


But write yo' results O:


Mine is Andi possesses the ability to horribly shock people when Ando licks a table.


Favorite Answer

"Carrie possesses the ability to make other people fart when Carrie screams with a loud voice."

xD Lol!

I'm a Scorpio Sun an a Leo Mars/Moon.


What is your chart?

Can I see it.

I am Aquarius/Scorpio and Virgo Moon.

I got: I possess the ability to horribly shock people when I scream with a loud voice.

That is so right!! LOL


chihuahua mommy possesses the ability to make other people fart when chihuahua mommy licks a table.

Sagittarius sun
Aries Moon
Mars in Scorpio


Taeyoung possesses pants that can stun people with farts when Taeyoung licks a table.

Meh, I already had 4 of these pants in my closet.


"Kristina possesses the power to put enemies in pain when Kristina licks a table."

Mwahahaha! I will use my powers for evil! *rubs hands together in a evil-mastermind way*

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