I saw a TV commercial blaming Romney for a middle class tax increase coming up?

Isn't Obama the person who refused to extended the Bush tax cuts for more then one year at a time? If Obama had supported extending the tax cuts for 2 years last time we wouldn't be looking at a tax increase now would we?


Bush couldn't because democrats blocked making the tax cut permanent.


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Touchdown!! .... and also, the GOP had absolutely nothing to do with the NEW Obamacare tax increases WHICH WILL EFFECT EVERYONE!! Romney/Rubio "12"


As you didn't provide a link to the ad, it's hard to comment one way or the other. However, some of your information is a bit mixed up. The original tax cuts passed during the Bush administration could only be for 10 years due to provisions in the Byrd rule related to passing them using reconciliation. Since those tax cuts were originally passed, President Obama has tried to continue the tax cuts for everyone, but the top 2%. Last year, during the debt ceiling crisis, the final compromise continued all the tax cuts, but for 1 year. Now, Republicans are once again demanding all the tax cuts to be continued. However, Mitt Romney is proposing a "tax cut" that would cut revenue by $360billion a year starting in 2015 and raise taxes among the middle class.

Señor Gato2012-08-06T20:20:30Z

"If Obama had supported extending the tax cuts for 2 years last time we wouldn't be looking at a tax increase now would we?"

And if Bush and the Republicans had figured out a way to pay for the tax cuts at the time they passed them, the cuts would not be expiring at all, would they?


the only promise Obama has stored is his substitute from a unfastened society to a communist society and now that's the place we are heading the perfect courtroom did no uphold our shape so we now don't have a shape which could be enforced, so Obama can tax, overlook approximately congress and the courts and he's getting away with it. broken delivers from a dictator propose no longer something

Bryan Torrence2012-08-06T20:52:38Z

Its the blame game ! Tonights contestants, Obama and Romney. Obama says Romney did this and Romney did that. Now lets hear from our audience made up of intelligent mature Americans. OBAMA DID IT !!! Yes brought us into a new recession, threatened to take away the 2nd amendment and did take away the 1st Amendment ( unless your sayin nice sweet things about him). So who wins my vote ? ( drummer roll ) dadadada Romney !! ( audience claps and cheers and so do I LOL. Well thats the end of the show tonight. Im your host Richard, and tune in next week when we see which one of my cats tore up the toilet paper. Remember folks, vote for Romney and be free. Richard has spoken.

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