year old cat breathes different, sounds like a runny nose and a mix of a weird purr?

I adopted my cat on the 5th from the humane society, they never mentioned any health problems. But I noticed her breathing is different. She doesn't sneeze, no runny nose, doesn't sound like she is struggling to breathe, very active, and is eating normal. When she is breathing, it sounds like she could have a runny nose it has a mix of a weird pur but she doesn't pur when she breathes like this, but no discharge or watery eyes. Do you have any idea what could cause this, or could that just be the way she breathes? she acts totally normal. Any advice would be helpful. I plan on contacting Humane Society to ask about health issues with her.


Thank you. She is due for her rabies shot so I will take her tmrw when they open. They don't do checkups but with my other cat they listened with a stethoscope when he got his shots, so I will ask them about it when I go.


Kel, that is adorable he came to you so you could clean his nose. She acts totally normal and i'm hoping it's just the way she breathes, I would be heart broken knowing she has some chronic illness. I guess I will find out tmrw when she gets her shots. She is only a year old.


Favorite Answer

We adopted a stray that I named Dusty. No idea where he came from but I'm sure he once belonged to someone. I think maybe they put him out because he had a breathing problem. It sounded just like yours, a mix of purring and runny nose together, but we knew he wasn't really purring. After taking him to see the vet, he determined that Dusty just had unusual congestion issues and it's not something he could fix but that Dusty was not in pain either. The doctor said we would just keep an eye on his breathing periodically and he will always sound like that for life. Dusty's symptoms were a little different than your cat's though because although he usually didn't have a runny nose, he always sneezed frequently and huge gobs of snot would come out. It wasn't easy keeping things clean with him sneezing so much but I didn't mind. He was a russian blue and so extremely unique and also the most mischievous cat ever, very entertaining. I can't imagine giving him up. Anyway, the vet was right, even though the poor thing sounded so awful he lived just fine with his breathing issue. I started buying the extra soft tissues for him and he loved for me to clean his nose once he realized it was to make him feel better. In fact, when he sneezed out of my sight he would come to me and push the kleenex box toward me as his way of asking to have his nose cleaned. I hope your cat's issue turns out like mine, nothing dangerous. Good luck.


Pneumonia is a come disease in cats. I would take her to the Humane societies vet. Let them check her. It is not necessary that the cat will have a runny nose in this case. They can tell if she has any lung infection or anything else by listening to her breathing using a stethoscope.

At times it has been fatal for cats. I would go to a vet ASAP.