Has anyone ever hatched a Luna Moth?

My daughter found a Luna Moth Caterpillar and put it in a jar with leaves and twigs. it has spun its cocoon...about 3 days ago. I have read conflicting info on the internet as to how long they pupate for; some say 10-14 days, others say that they winter and will hatch next spring/summer. does anyone know first hand what the real time line is? Thanks!


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It could be either. This isn't uncommon, but it usually depends on what time of year they have spun the cocoon - the later it is, the more likely they'll over-winter as a cocoon. If it's earlier, maybe it'll have the guts to break out sooner.

Though really you should go to a specialist forum and ask someone, if not, keep an eye on it for the next week or so, and time will surely tell.