Dark Knight vs The Dark Knight Rises?
I prefer the Dark Knight because of Heath Ledger.
I prefer the Dark Knight because of Heath Ledger.
Favorite Answer
Dark Knight was epic and exceptional. Heath Ledger made it a legend. Scripting and dialogue was solid and brilliant, acting was superb, storyline was amazing. They went into dark, deep psychological themes such as humanity, society, people's reactions, how they change according to circumstances and what they have been through, fear, struggles, etc.
And the ending with its narration. It was so mind-blowing, I simply have no words for it that will do it justice. It basically summed up the whole point of Batman, his purpose and the kind of hero he is.
Heath Ledger's Joker is truly one of the best villians in history,
The Dark Knight Rises was a great movie, I would rate it 7/10 for sure but I gotta say the acting and the plot in The Dark Knight is NEARLY flawless. One of the best movies ever really.
So yeah The DArk Knight was better
Andy E
I would definitely choose the Dark Knight. They were both good films but the Dark Knight really topped it off.
Me too, but I really feel as if Rises isn't getting its due.
No, it is not superior, it isn't even as good. But it's still the best thing I've seen all summer, and I've seen it all. Stands up to repeated viewings, always a good test. Feels a little more tightly edited, to me. No matter what, people were going to feel a little let down when they walked out of the theater. It's over, now, and that leaves a teensy bit of bitter aftertaste.
But all the stars were in alignment on that last one - hard to put into words exactly why one movie is better than another. . . it just is! :)
I say Dark Knight. The joker was just purely amazing and really put a huge toll on Batman. He was the one who broke Batman before Bane did. Bane was amazing too, I just hate how they (SPOILER*) kill him off so randomly and focus on Talia Al Ghul for the last 20 minutes. I loved TDKR, but I think TDK was slightly more better.