Why doesn't Yahoo let my use a PNG file for a picture?

I have a PNG file that I want to use as my picture but whenever I try to upload it, Yahoo just says

"Sorry, we cannot accept this file format.
Please select a JPG, JPEG, or PNG file."

It IS a PNG file. And it's only 14 KB, while the size limit is 5 MB. And it's not a "bad" picture or anything.

So why does Yahoo keep saying that it can't accept the picture when it should be able to?

Nintendo is my Nindo2012-08-29T16:43:32Z

Favorite Answer

Hey I think that everyone is having a similar problem. But I found that if you just go to yahoo.com... sign in... go to the main page.... look in the right top corner where it has your thumbnail pic, says HI, (YOUR NAME) and gives you the option to sign out.... hang your cursor over that and choose the option profile... from there you can click on your picture to change it... I'm noticing right now that the quality is terrible... but I'm trying to work something out with my picture that makes the quality a little better I'm sure you can too!! :)..............Yeah just make sure it's a decent sized JPG image and it works perfect! I was using PNG when it was bad quality... not sure if that was the problem or not but I have successfully changed my pic to Naruto!! Hope this helps


If you look around you will notice that lots of users have ? as a name and a grey smiley avatar. Currently it appears that Yahoo are having a lot of trouble with avatars and names. Often happens during updates.


Yeah it rather is a glitch in this internet site, from time to time in case you leave it on my own this is going to take place right here day, in particular on the grounds it rather is a filtering procedure to make specific this is rated G and not porn. -Ronnie