Will Ann Romney’s speech be enough to turn women into Romney voters?

Ann Romney took the stage at the Republican National Convention in Tampa Tuesday night…. She seemed to be sunshine itself. In a bespoke, belted, Oscar de la Renta shirtdress of fire-engine red—with a glorious blonde coif that will no doubt inspire salon requests— Ann Romney looked like a pinup girl on a USO tour. A bombshell. At 63. She was fantastic (said a Republican spin doctor).

She impressed everyone because she is 63 years old and looks 30. (said the Republican Campaign Manager)

Will Ann Romney’s speech be enough to turn women into Romney voters?

The question was asked on the internet today.

Which of the following answers do you agree with?

1. Can we please just hear about the ISSUES that are important....like, taxes, the economy, gas prices, jobs?????

2. I understand she has an illness that can be very trying. I cannot help but wonder why Mitt would take on the task of running for president when he has a wife that may need more and more of his attention in the coming years.

3. No 'regular' woman from the 99% can relate to this plastic over-entitled wench.
4. Never would I vote for a party that discriminates agains women.
5. Her biggest problem is figuring out which of her 5 mansions to stay at - and whether or not the maid and cook are working those days. Otherwise, she might have to clean or cook something herself! THE HORRIR!

6. We been cutting taxes with Bush-it welfare tax cuts to the rich and its not working! The rich took their money and ran to the foreign accounts just asked Willard!

7 When the GOP can convince me that the US Chamber of Commerce, the Koch Bros, Sidney Adelson and the 30 other billionaires funding Romney have women's "interests" at heart (or anyone's other than from their socio-economic group), then I'll pay attention.

8. I was sorry to hear how much she suffered, and scrapped by, she should get a medal. She only has a couple of cadillacs, and only one car elevator.

9. nothing in the world that she could say will make you vote for her Mittens. Sorry Ann, run for office if that's what you want to do after you secure your husband's permission. How many Mormon women in politics outside of Utah?

10. This article makes me wish it still came in newspaper form ..... so I could line the bottom of my birdcage with it.


11. I was curious what the Mormon take is on women since Mitt and Anne are Mormons. This is what I found on Mormonwikia: "Mormons believe that raising children is truly the only thing women have really been designed to do.

12. Sorry, he is NOT getting this female vote!

13. She showed her real thoughts when she said, "I have a real marriage" that might not sit well with divorced mothers, single mothers, mothers with boy friends, lesbian mothers, or widowed mother.

14. - First off. LIKE HELL! She looks about 60 w/ far too much makeup on.
15. She should look younger though. Any woman who's never had to work a single day in her life or ever had to worry for a minute about money.

16. Giving millions to a group/cult who spends their money to further its fight against the gay community - is not what I'd call charitable.

17. Release your tax returns - let's see how much went to further that cause?

18. - Ann Romney's speech meant absolutly nothing ! You can


19. She cannot gloss over the fact that the GOP wants total control of women's bodies. They are going to force you to have babies you don't want and then not provide any healthcare to help provide for those babies.

20. I love it when Republicans tell Americans they have to sacrifice while they give tax breaks to the wealthy.

21. One thing that I noticed that was grossly obvious at the RNC convention was that the entire audience was white and old. I didnt see a representation of the American Public whatsoever

22. (Ann) only represents 5% of the women (rich, white and doesn't work)

23. if Anne came from middle class background her family would probably be going bankrupt due to medical bills

24. a real woman? who brings their private doctor with them to an event?

25. As long as Republicans see fit to deny women healthcare, contraception, equal pay, and the ability to determine what we do with our own bodies then all the pretty smiles and I love yous are superfluous.


26. Ann does not represent American women - she's elitist, intolerant, airhead who lives in an ivory tower with no idea or empathy for the suffering her husband personally caused when he destroyed American companies, outsourced American jobs, emptied pension plans and hid those personal profits overseas in secret bank accounts and shell companies to avoid American taxes.

27. so a Mormon woman married to a multimillionare, a woman who doesn't work and has a staff of four to help raise her kids, is the standard now for average American women? I don't think so.

28. she's trying to convince other women she's just like them?

29. She is a great actress, but a rich @%#&*, that doesn't have a clue what the real world is, nor does her husband.

30. ____________________





Edit: Phrog = over 4,000 people have answered the above question.

Here is a sample of the latest additional answers:

Ann Romney has 10 houses... the latest one in La Jolla, CA has a nifty car elevator for her many cars, one for each day of the week.

Oh by the way, did you happen to see her show horse in the Olympics?

Unlike you, she has a $100Million tax exempt retirement 401K fund in the Cayman Islands.

..and she hasn't worked a day in her life. She wants your vote because she's just like you. LOL!!!


Favorite Answer

I won't be voting for him. You listed all of the reasons in your details


30. Prior to the Convention most women had decided on who they would vote for. I am sure that no intelligent woman would change their vote because a wife thinks her husband is a terrific husband, father, son etc. It just doesn't equate to the necessary qualifications for running a country. Mrs. Romney's opinion of her husband should certainly hold no weight towards swaying anyone's vote.

Why do I feel that Ann Romney wants to be First Lady even more than Mitt want to be President? That just might be your answer to No. 2.

Wasn't it Mrs. Romney who said that releasing additional tax returns (those prior to the Romney's 2010 return) would cause Mitt Romney more harm than the flack and suspicion he will receive and has received by not releasing those returns. What are they so afraid of? Obviously, the IRS would have caught anything in those early returns that could "now" be considered illegal but something must be in those returns that would make Romney's credibility extremely suspect. We breathlessly await the release of the Romney 2011 Income Tax Return. Could his failure to release that return be due to another amnesty on Off Shore Accounts for 2011. To date, Romney is the only President in to produce only 1 year of Tax returns since 1984.

A few reasons why Romney may not be releasing his tax returns. And please, no remarks about the President releasing his school record. Not one US President or Presidential Candidate has ever been asked to produce their school transcripts and none have. All of our school records are protected and can only be released with a Subpoena or with your written permission.

Did Romney take advantage of the 2009 Amnesty plan which benefits offshore account holders? If he did; if not for the Amnesty plan, failure to report those accounts on his tax returns is a federal crime. For just how many years could Romney have failed to report those offshore accounts?

Was Romney able to reduce his tax liabilities by claiming a high current value for stock he donated to charities that he acquired at very low prices? (One of his Bain strategies was to create multiple stock classes for companies he acquired that allowed him basically to manipulate prices by assigning debt to one class and assigning profits to another.)

Is there is something in those returns that would prove he was involved in Bain Capital decisions after his supposed retroactive retirement of 1999?

Sorry, I guess I got a bit off topic.


its very simple. she was meant to humanize Mittens, and bring over independents to there side. All she did though was cheerleading for the base, those who had no doubt that they were voting for Romney already, just as the rest of the speakers did nothing to appeal to independents. basically she couldn't help but show that both of them are 1%ers who can't relate to the rest of america. just like most of the people behind the republican party. though they know they cant get enough votes that way, so they use religion, racism and hate to appeal to those who are not very educated and are easily lead by such divisive topics, instead of trying to bring people together to make a better country and cultivate understanding and cooperation to change things for the better, so everybody has what they need to have a decent life. Instead of Romneys and this incarnation of the Republican parties idea that our system should be based on social darwinism like in the late 1800's guilded age. it has to be the most reactionary platform in over a century. its sickening and extreme enough to cause social unrest if its put into effect.


LOL I'm reminded of back to the future..." no wonder the president has to be an actor.."

he's getting this woman's vote....because obama stunk as POTUS.

1. yea.
2. nope.
3. I am in the lower middle-class and I can "relate" w/ann romney just fine.
4. discriminates how exactly....bet I can show something different.
5. nope....having money doesn't mean people don't have problems and life doesn't happen.
6. no - because simplified "tax cuts" aren't the whole pic
7. no. I know the man. I know what he can and will do.
8. nope. hell is painted a different color by everyone....it does'nt make it any less hell.
9. no. she doesn't want 'politics'...she just want people to get to know mitt
10. no
11. no. as a mormon woman I have never been anything but encouraged to become educated and to follow whatever dreams I might have.
12. no. (see above)
13. wrong - she acknowledged that a "real marriage" is one where people have to work together - one where we learn teamwork and depending on others we trust...I am divorced/single.
14. who cares - I'm voting for a POTUS - not a first lady beauty queen (although ann is more to my taste than michelle)
15. anyone who thinks raising kids isn't "work" is an idiot.
16. no. the base premise of this statement is wrong so it skews the entire premise. I can't agree with that.
17. nope. the IRS is satisfied - and so am I. we have laws in place - so he used them...good for him. I care more about what the politicians are doing w/MY tax dollars than what the romney's do with theirs.
18. agree.
19. nope. not covering abortions w/insurance is not the same thing -- they DO cover birth control
20. romney served as gov w/NO SALARY because he didn't need it and put the money back to the people....let's see.....who else has done that? any other millionaire politicians come to mind? any?
21. no. I saw people my age. I work. I raise kids. I serve my community. I AM AMERICA.
22. maybe - in that aspect only. she also represents moms, daughters, wives...
23. maybe....she comes from a coal miner g-dad...
24. are you implying something silconey here? if she needs a dr. then glad he's there.
25. IF.....not "as long as" I'm totally w/mitt on this...get the feds OUT OF IT and give the power of decision back to the states.....then if NY wants abortions and CA doesn't - so be it.

26. and your proof is.....
27. agree
28. nope. I don't think so.
29. no.
30. she's NOT the one running....and can't possibly have any worse ideas than michelle's 'force the people to eat what I think is ok' marie antoinette attitude.

edit: actually SHE doesn't want my vote @all.....and she doesn't claim to be just like me. the fact is that we are both people on the earth living in america...we have stuff in common. I don't begrudge her money...in fact I wish I had more of it....and I guarantee you that if I did I wouldn't want to give it all to taxes either.
do you think obama w/his many dollars and growing up where and how HE did has MORE in common w/me than ann romney? really?

fact - my world is NOT better off than it was 4 years ago. it is worse off.
fact - you couldn't pay me all of romney's money to vote obama in for another term and the chance to destroy my world even more.


There's no way I'm voting for robot Romney! We already have robots replacing american jobs and I don't want a robot replacing the american president. Let a human do the job.

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