I can't join the military because I owe back child support?
I already took my asvab and passed. I recently got fired from my job. I'm looking for a new one now. I owe about 1600 in child support. Is it true that i cant join because of child support? Is the recruiter tellin me the truth?
Favorite Answer
go to child support enforcement and make an official request to modify the order. They are required to help either parent upon request, by federal law. http://childsupportrights.org/PayersNeed2Know http://DadsHouseEdCtr.org http://dadshouseedctr.qhub.com/ http://www.YouTube.com/DadsHouseEdCtr
http://www.crckids.org/ For 22 years, I have volunteered my time working with divorced/single fathers dealing in family law issues, such as child support, teaching them about what the states are not telling support obligors. -------------------- Posted to Dads House Facebook Page http://www.facebook.com/DadsHouseEdCenter āā