Do you think superhero movies should be campy or serious?

I like the campy ones more. I'd rather watch Superman II or the first Spider-Man movie (which was pretty silly) than The Dark Knight Rises on any given day.


I actually meant to say The Dark Knight. Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy was very good, but I just didn't think the movies were very enjoyable.


Favorite Answer

It just really depends on who you are. As an avid comic book reader, I would much rather watch movie adaptions of super heroes that are most faithful to the original material (i.,e. the comic book plot)

My older brother, who doesn't read comic books enjoy them to be more campy. It just depends on the viewer like I said.

If you go into a super hero movie with little knowledge of the characters other than they have super abilities, you're going to expect non-stop action and humor. But if you're more familiar with them you're going to expect such things as characterization, deeper plots etc,


I think it depends on the superhero. The Nolan Batman films work because Batman is a dark character, and the universe of Batman is just gloomy and dark. Imagine if Nolan directed Spiderman films. I don't think it would fit. It varies, I guess.


I like the campy ones better, but there is a place for the serious ones too. Maybe the perfect superhero film will be one made by someone who has found the perfect mix of the two.