Does the Moon sign or Sun sign determine compatibility in a relationship?

I have minimal Astrological knowledge...but want to know what determines compatibility more?Or is it the Venus?


Favorite Answer

Really you hit the nail on the head.

Our Sun=Our Nature
Our Moon=Our Emotions
Our Rising Sign=Our Personality, Personal Appearance, and First Impression Made
Our Mercury=How We Communicate
Our Venus=How We Love
Our Mars=How We "Get" What We Want including Sexual Desire

These planets really tell us what we want to know particularly when we are looking for compatibility.

If ones Sun (nature) is compatible with anothers Moon (emotions) then there is going to be compatibility. That is "usually" unless there are some hard aspects between the Sun and Moon too.

So if your Moon conjuncts his Venus, then emotionally and lovingly there is often compatibility.

If his Mars conjuncts (is close in degree) her Venus, this heightens both "love" and sexual desire, there probably would be "chemistry" and again, compatibility.

When your Mercury's are compatible, then there will be an "ease of communication" between the two

Also if the Sun, Moon, and/or Venus are conjunct the other person's Ascendant (1st House cusp) or the Descendant (7th House cusp of Marriage) this often indicates extremely good compatibility for a long-term relationship.

There are so many aspects that determine compatibility. Try to get your partner's birth date and exact time of birth and place of birth and go to and enter the data and the aspects will be in a chart below the compatibility chart. Cafe Astrology has some good information for beginners in astrology too. has a chart that is easy to read but they don't offer the many different charts as But it would be a good idea to read about your natal chart first, and then your partner's natal chart and once you have a grasp of that, the compatibility chart should then be done.

Also ask questions about your chart, and the more specific question you ask usually the better response you will get. Hope this is helpful and good luck and bless you too.


Moon Sign Compatibility


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Does the Moon sign or Sun sign determine compatibility in a relationship?
I have minimal Astrological knowledge...but want to know what determines compatibility more?Or is it the Venus?


Your Sun, Moon, and Venus are a part of it when it comes to compatibility with another person, but there are other aspects as well. but mainly when it comes to love those 3 aspects are the most important.


Actually yes!!

For example: I'm a Cap with a Scorpio Moon and my Bf is a Scorpio with a Pisces Moon. Do the math lol :D