dimensions for M1 Garand?

I have made a goal for my self, by the end of the year I want to make an exact size M1 Garand. At my high school i am taking advanced woods and the teacher said I could make one (the wood parts only though). But I cant unless I have the dimensions, thickness length, all of that. So if anyone knows what they are please explain to me what they are, and maybe include a link with helpful pictures of the gun with the dimensions on it. And also what type of wood did the WWII era Garand have? Thank you.


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I would be glad to help,but that would be a stack of prints that I don`t have time for.
M1 Garand rifles and wood combos are expensive,but you could buy a field grade stock pretty cheap and just copy it. That is basically what you are talking about anyway.
I am a retired Tool and Die Maker with well over 45 years of Machine shop and wood working experiences,but it would be a tough task building an exact replica of a stock. Most of these guys that build stuff like that have a 3-D Computerized Numerical Control Machine to copy the dimensions and then finish by hand. Some use an old fashioned duplicating machine and then chisel the details. Believe me and pick up an old stock somewhere...I have seen them at gun shows all the time.




I would buy one or have a parent buy one and then you will have something EXACT to compare to. My wife wanted a wooden gun to hang on the wall, so I just traced my Rem 870 out on some wood and started carving/cutting.


Have you tried wiki? Or you can ask for the exact dimensions from Stocky's if they are willing to give that away...