What are the best cities in America for craftspeople and artisans to live and work in?

I know about websites like Etsy, eBay, and Amazon.com, but are there any particular cities in the United States where people stand a good chance at making a living selling high-quality homemade crafts? I'm asking this because I myself am a struggling home-based needlecraft business owner in a southern Illinois town where people praise the high quality of my crafts and could easily afford to buy them, but are so competitive and so ignorant of inflation that even those with little to no sewing experience act as though they could make my crafts at home themselves for less money than I charge for them (which they can't).

So now I'm seriously considering pulling up stakes and taking my business elsewhere after I finish college. I'm always reading Yahoo! News articles about America's best places to live, go to college, get a job, raise kids, etc., but I've never seen any such articles about America's best places to establish and maintain a successful career as an artisan or craftsperson. Can you recommend any such places to me?

Serious answers only, please. I will personally award ten points to whoever gives me the best answer.


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Bangor Maine