EMERGENCY: Puppy chewed through live laptop cord?

My 3 pound chihuahua managed to chew through the laptop cord, while it was in use. It electrocuted him, and almost all of the silver wires are broken.
Almost immediately after, the poor pup threw up.

Is this something I should be extremely worried about? I'm worried that he'll die, although he seems fine right now. Just a bit shaken up.
What should I do?


Keep a close eye on him for the next week. Anything that seems different take him to the vet.


If he's acting okay besides the throwing up immediately after, then I think he may be alright. If he starts acting weird or anything, I would take him to the vet A.S.A.P. I hope he's okay!


If you have a regular vet you should call them. They will usually have an after hours ask a vet/nurse program just like our regular drs.