Ice Hockey vs Rugby. Which sport is tougher to play physically?

Some friends and I got into a debate at school about this. I said that ice hockey was the tougher sport to play because although hockey players wear padding, the crushing hits on the ice and boards can hurt a lot more. They are also bursting at high speeds and intense play for 45-1 minute shifts. I can understand why people think rugby is harder physically because of no pads and continuous play (like hockey).

What do you guys think? What sport is harder to play physically and why?


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It all depends.

I'm someone who's played both sports, and the position I played in rugby, a forward (lock to be exact) was, in my opinion, the most brutal position in sports. It was much tougher than any position in hockey, even in the days of Don Cherry.

However if we're talking about the backs in rugby, who are the speedsters relied on to pick up big yards and make the occasional tackle, then I'd think hockey would be tougher.

Again, it's all about position. It's not so much the hits that hurt in rugby, hockey hits are harder and do hurt more. It's the fact that you end up taking about 20-25 hits a game as a forward and dishing out 20-25 that makes it so physically exhausting.

As a forward, I'd say it's a hell of a lot tougher a sport to play than hockey. As a pretty-boy back, I'd say the games are pretty even.


I love hockey played it all my life but a hard nosed rugby match is more physical.

You have to remember in hockey some players are able to float around and not play the body at all but in Rugby you HAVE TO or you wouldn't be on the team to begin with.

Rugby is the more physical sport.




I guess ice hockey is harder to play physically because u have to maintain balance n concentrate on the ball too..sounds similar to rugby but the difference in stamina level is much more..


hockey has much bigger and faster hits, but rugby has way more hitting in a game, plus there is no stopping play, both rank in my top 3 toughest sports (MMA is the other sport) but i would have to say rugby overall is tougher

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