Romney will create 4 million jobs in 4 yrs?

Interesting that is 20,000 jobs per month than Obama. Do we want to vote for a guy who says he will do less for the economy than Obama?

Don't believe me just do the math.


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I can picture the kind of jobs Mitt will create. Most likely manufacturing jobs for poor people in China and a retail jobs for poor people at Staples.


Romney promised to create the 12 million jobs over the subsequent 4 years if he's elected President. Dems howled saying it may not be carried out. Then Obama Deputy campaign supervisor Stephanie Cutter reported Obama will create 12 million new jobs over the subsequent 4 years.


Romney with his magical Mormon powers will fix the unemployment problem instantaneously on day one. Unemployment will miraculously go from 8+% to 0.0%. At least, that's what republicans believe.

MTR 2.02012-09-08T06:37:16Z

What is interesting is that it is what moody's forecast if things keep going without any major change.

So Romney says "this is not good enough"

But then he says
"unless I happen to be in office"



Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha - create 4 million jobs in the military while destroying 22 million in the civilian workforce. Sounds like a great plan if you are a fascist.

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