Nearly 22 and still a virgin?
Ok I'm a 21 year old bloke, turning 22 in a few weeks.
I'm never had sex before.
I have been in a relationship with a girl a couple years back, but she was afraid to have to have and the further we ever got was oral sex (and that was a bad experience).
I have had a couple more girls since my ex, wanting to have sex with me but those relationship went south after a few weeks.
I finding myself really insecure about not having sexual interaction, since the majority of my friend have sex, and many of my friends making me feel crap about myself. Including one of my friend, who want to pay for an escort, just so I can prove to him that "I'm not gay".
I also find that many girls would not accept me because I'm still a virgin. I just finished my Bachelor of IT and I have picked up many time when I've been out clubbing, so I know I'm doing something right.
I don't meet a lot of females and most of my friends are males. I just feel like I'm the only person on earth who hasn't had sex at my age and I just find it hard to meet females.