Whats a great and easy way to flatten my stomach?

im a pretty thin girl but my stomach is gaining the weight. whats a fast and easy way i can flatten out my tummy ?


Favorite Answer

The quickest way to lose belly fat, that’s the million dollar question. If you are looking for a solution in a week’s time then you are kidding yourself. That’s your first step, realizing what quick really means.

However, there are ways to lose that belly fat it’s just not going to happen overnight. The safest and quickest way to lose belly fat is to diet and exercise. Notice I said safest as well as quickest.


Crunches on the ball, opposite crunches, and bicycle crunches are a number of my sought after abdomen workouts. yet abdomen workouts basically help somewhat. in case you prefer a very flat abdomen you need to consume a wholesome eating habitual. the information superhighway web page under has a lot of abdomen workouts and eating habitual techniques. this is a sturdy source.


Stop eating so much.