I would ask if I could get emancipated from just one parent, but that is not the definition of the word. I was wondering if I could live with my dad instead of my mom? Something like where I live with my dad every week and weekend. It is really hard to live with my mom. My step-dad is abusive and my mom hardly feeds me.. Is there something I can do like that? And what would I have to do to have that happen? I'm 14 by the way...
They have been divorced forr five years now by the way.
Lynn Bodoni2012-09-12T21:48:55Z
Favorite Answer
You can't get emancipated from just one parent. You can, however, ask your dad to seek primary physical custody of you, because of the conditions at your mom's house. If you can actually prove abuse, then you have an excellent chance of having your dad appointed as your primary custodian, with your mom allowed visitation.
At 14, though, you should be capable of feeding yourself, assuming there's food in the house. I was cooking full dinners for 5 two or three times a week when I was 14, and my daughter was also cooking full meals for several people at that age. Granted, these meals were not haute cuisine, but they were full meals with a meat, three hot vegetables, a salad, and possibly dessert.
I dunno. this may well be a puzzling one. i circulate to assert Tie it up in crimson tape till she turns 18, and then artwork on the regulations. i will basically tension that this entire component may well be WAAAY out of whack. we've the be attentive to a minimum of one individual against the be attentive to yet another, and we've FOX throughout it. that doesn't upload as much as an open and close case. additionally think of heavily, in case you swapped the religions around, and made the comparable statements, would this argument be going on? I very doubt it would.
From what I understand is any child 13yrs or older has the right to choose the parent they wish to live with. However, your dad has to be willing and agreeable to the idea or the courts will not allow it.