I have a question about pannic attacs?

yesterday afternoon i had an attac and this morning i had another attack
right now well i was showering i started to feel like my eye sight got weirdish
i noticed my eyes are a little dialated and i do not drink, take any medications or elegal drugs. can my pannic attacs be a result of my dialated eyes or is it something else?
if it is what can i do to make it go away. it makes me feel unreal and uncomfortable. if its not what do you think it can be??


ooh and no i don't like to drink them or anything that has to do with caffeine because it makes them worse then what they already are:)


Favorite Answer

panic attacks often cause vision alteration for a while
next time relax, dont tense up or fight back and do breathe deep a nd slow
order any self help book on overcoming panic attacks from an internet bookstore, there are many
valium as needed helps a lot
prozac helps sometimes but can have severe side effects, avoid shrinks or therapists, just read the book


First off are you drinking the red bulls or energy drinks because these cause panic attacks. Do not drink those at all! Secondly eat something, maybe your blood sugar is low. But infact you need a physical at the doctors office, because when you describe this to the doctor he will do blood test and they do those anyway with a physical and that my dear will give you the skinny on if anything is wrong. So just do it. If you say Mother Theresa of Calcuttas healing prayer called "Jesus My All in All" found online it is really a powerful prayer.


the adrenaline rush from panic attacks can cause your eyes to dilate
if you continually have panic attacks and it becomes problematic, see a doctor and they'll probably give you an anti-anxiety to help