What does my dream mean?
my whole family burned in a fire but it wasn’t my house and I found out and everyone in the town new and felt bad for me. I was sitting on the side of the curb and a conjoined bicycle with 5 people came by and asked if I wanted to come on because he was missing a partner and felt bad for me and knew what happened. I said no at first and was hesitant but said yes a little bit latter. Im not sure if this was before or after the part with me going on the bike but I attempted to kill myself but couldn’t do it and a girl started yelling at me to stop. I then started yelling and crying and hid in a store because the cops were coming looking for me and I hid in a shop with a window where I think a man was inside but he didn’t see me. Latter in the dream I was looking for a girl named Cynthia and I was trying to get pity sex from her and I went in her house. It then switched to a weird state in the dream where I turned in to Justin bieber or I saw him talking I don’t think I was him the entire dream. And he was saying how its not okay about my family dying acting as if it really happened to him.
Im really not sure what this means but i feel like it means something can someone please share some analogy on this?