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Anonymous asked in HealthMental Health · 1 decade ago

What do Dreams Mean?

In the past couple of nights I had these really weird deams. I mean really weird and upsetting. I just need to know If any of you out there believe as I do that dreams mean something. If so....then I would love to find someone to help me decipher the dreams I have had in the past couple of night.

1,222 Answers

  • Keenu
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No one else can interpret your dreams, only you can. Yes, dreams do mean something but some of them more than others.

    The best way to interpret them is to first define how they made you feel. Then you can determine what it is that is bothering you. Usually someone or something in the dream symbolizes your issue that you are dealing with. Colors play a big part. When I see red in my dreams it always means like a red flag. Watch out, pay attention. Dreams are really a place where we can act out all the things that we are having issues with in reality. You can practice doing things you would never do in real life...YET. Take control over your dreams and learn from them. Another fun thing to do is to start noticing the people who populate your dreams. They are your spiritual buddies. Some of mine I actually recognize and some of them I don't know now but I know from other times. Don't ever be scared of your dreams.

    They are yours and cannot ever be anything bad. Just always information for you to use. Take care!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I play an MMORPG. All the time. Called Eudemons Online. Most of my dreams are based off of that game. I dream I'm playing the game. What's sad is people put way too much into the dreams they have. I'm 21 years old. When I was around 13 or so, I had a dream that made me feel when I was 33 I would die in a car crash. Nobody else involved, lifeted up 4x4. T street. A few years off, but I don't think that what I dreamed then, will come true. Even if I had the same dream 1 time every 6 years.

    Things change. You change. It's not your dreams that make your future. It's your future that'll make your dreams. Don't focus on a dream you have. If anything, they're more of a symbol of something that has happend, or never will happen. A warning, something to help you avoid a catastrophe you in your life. Live the life you have, the way you want, and not by any dreams.

    Source(s): Me
  • 7 years ago

    I am always trying to protect younger brother from danger in some way. No matter how hard I try he just will not listen and he argues with me until either the dream ends or I wake up. After haveing this dream more than once, I finally decided to analize it. In no way did I use a website or a book to determine the meaning of my dream. You are the only one who can find out the causes of what your dream was about. The dream I described before had one meaning, I am afraid of the new dangers in the world. The different dangers in each dream are a symbol for the changing and new dangers of the world today. My younger brother symbolizes the innocence and the blindness of the danger, the part of me who never wants to think or see the frightening issues. Then the fact that my brother is pushing away from me keeping him away from danger means that I cannot stop or hide from teh changing world. There will always be a time where I will be confronted with the dangers. There is no way I can escape. The only answers i can give are from personal experience and from my own perspective. I used to have nightmares all the time. I started having them from the age of 8 until about 23. Horrible nightmares, sometimes not knowing if I was awake or asleep. I had test done when I was around 20 or so and learned that not all nightmares were considered nightmares. In fact some were called night terrors, because it seemed so real to me that I could not tell if I was sleeping, because I struggled to open my eyes. I learned that the mind can live out amazing fantasies and dreadful horrors while you sleep and somewhere in between those dreams, real emotions that you harbor, or fears or desires, anything can play itself out in a dream. Dreams can be left up to any ones interpretation, because believe me I heard it all.

  • 7 years ago

    I am always trying to protect younger brother from danger in some way. No matter how hard I try he just will not listen and he argues with me until either the dream ends or I wake up. After haveing this dream more than once, I finally decided to analize it. In no way did I use a website or a book to determine the meaning of my dream. You are the only one who can find out the causes of what your dream was about. The dream I described before had one meaning, I am afraid of the new dangers in the world. The different dangers in each dream are a symbol for the changing and new dangers of the world today. My younger brother symbolizes the innocence and the blindness of the danger, the part of me who never wants to think or see the frightening issues. Then the fact that my brother is pushing away from me keeping him away from danger means that I cannot stop or hide from teh changing world. There will always be a time where I will be confronted with the dangers. There is no way I can escape. I used to have nightmares all the time. I started having them from the age of 8 until about 23. Horrible nightmares, sometimes not knowing if I was awake or asleep. I had test done when I was around 20 or so and learned that not all nightmares were considered nightmares. In fact some were called night terrors, because it seemed so real to me that I could not tell if I was sleeping, because I struggled to open my eyes. I learned that the mind can live out amazing fantasies and dreadful horrors while you sleep and somewhere in between those dreams, real emotions that you harbor, or fears or desires, anything can play itself out in a dream. Dreams can be left up to any ones interpretation, because believe me I heard it all.

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  • 4 years ago

    What Some Dreams Mean

  • 1 decade ago

    I Do In Fact Believe That Dreams Mean Something. Believe It Or Not, I Have Actually Dreamt Of Future Events, But That's Another Story Entirely... lol Your Question Really Depends On One Factor, What Was The Dream? Some People Believe That Dreams Are Our Minds Way Of Working Through Issues (Resolved Or Unresolved) That We Encounter In Our Every Day Lives. Others Like Myself Believe That Dreams Are Preludes To Situations (Either Good Or Bad) That May Arise In The Near Or Distant Future. So Depending On What Your Dream Was, Really Answers Your Question, Regarding Interpreting It I Mean. If The Dream Was Upsetting, Then It Might Mean You Are Going Through Something Particularly Rough Right Now, Or That You May Be In For Some Hard Times Ahead (In The Near Or Distant Future)... I Don't Mean To Alarm You In Any Way, It's Just My 2 Cents... Good Luck With This...

  • 1 decade ago

    In the past, I have found that my dreams come as warnings of some impending event. I tend to have a lot of prophetic dreams. For instance, one of the dreams I had, pre-September 11th, involved me witnessing Lebanon being invaded and a brick wall (taller than the Berlin Wall) being torched and overtaken. Also, shortly after I saw the wall being torched I saw myself running away from a man in a turban. Little did I know at the time that the man in the turban was Osama Bin Laden. About a year, or 2 after I had that dream the news reported the planes flying into the twin towers and that they suspected Osama Bin Laden. About a year after September 11th the news reported that there was a war going on at the Syrian border and a few days later the battle had reached Lebanon. This is only one of many dreams I've had predicting the future. The only problem is that sometimes when I have dreams like this I don't realize how serious they are until it's too late. I have one more dream about the man in the turbin that has not yet come to pass, but I'm on my guard just incase it happens tomorrow. Some of the events of this second dream have already happened. My second dream has warned me of an invasion on American soil and it also showed me that Russia and Bin Laden together will be major participants in that invasion.

    I suggest writing the dreams down and wait to see if any of the events you saw happen. Some people have dreams that tell a story and some peoples dreams come in symbols. Some dreams can be psychological and other prophetic. The best way to find out if your dream has any real meaning is to dissect and study it until you find the true meaning.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Like most of the answers above, I believe that only the dreamer can decipher their dreams. Everyone has a very different view of the world and that is reflected in their dreams. The way to decipher a dream would be reflecting on it either by yourself or with the help of someone who you trust.

    The good news is that humans generally are social beings and as such generally share certain basic views. So the basic concepts of being chased and falling could mean the same basic thing to a great number of people. So searching on-line for the answer is possible, but its only part of the solution. For example an avid skydiver dreaming he's falling probably has a different view of it then someone who's afraid of heights.

    So if you want help I'd recommend going several websites about dreams, get several different means for what your dreaming about, and then take some time out and go to a Starbucks (or other relaxing place) and talk it over with a friend or family member.

  • 1 decade ago

    To really decipher the dreams you would have to actually tell people your dreams, and classify whether they are scary, happy, sad, you know kinda determine a genre for the dreams you are having, and whether or not they are recurring or not, there is a little bit of work that needs to be put into it so that you can actually determine what these dreams mean. Usually when you have a dream of a struggle, to where there is something that you can't do in your dream, it is relating to how you feel in your conscious mode of life, dreams are basically messages from your sub-conscious telling you what is going on, and what isn't working. Usually the dream is symbolic of what you are experiencing, which might be the reason why you don't know where the dream is coming from, or it just seems really random. But look at the situation you are in, and what is happening to you. If you are struggling in some way with another person or a thing, that usually points to a struggle that you are having to deal with while you are awake, like for instance, you could be having problems with a deadline that is coming up faster than your ideas are, or your having issues with people at work.... it just depends on the circumstances mostly, if I knew what the dream was about I could probably tell you more, I would be happy to help you out... ;-)

  • 6 years ago

    All I can say is that, from experiences, try to find a meaning in the dream. In most cases, it may not be obvious, so make sure that you pay attention to what's happening around you. Even then, if it does come true, it may be too late. I feel that maybe we could discuss your dreams and mine, because I have had quite a few that I cannot quite understand. I believe the same as you. that dreams DO mean something. Basically, when we are asleep, there are many chemicals that are released into our brain that are either not normally present during waking hours, or are present in smaller amounts. That alone is a key factor for the presence of dreams. Dreams are typically less prophetic, and much more a random collage of things we have done or thought of during the day, movies we've seen, memories in general.. and all spiced up with imagination. Dreams are chemical. Dreams are random firing of the synapses. If a person tells you that dreaming of a snake means something.. they are very deluded.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I am always trying to protect younger brother from danger in some way. No matter how hard I try he just will not listen and he argues with me until either the dream ends or I wake up. After haveing this dream more than once, I finally decided to analize it. In no way did I use a website or a book to determine the meaning of my dream. You are the only one who can find out the causes of what your dream was about. The dream I described before had one meaning, I am afraid of the new dangers in the world. The different dangers in each dream are a symbol for the changing and new dangers of the world today. My younger brother symbolizes the innocence and the blindness of the danger, the part of me who never wants to think or see the frightening issues. Then the fact that my brother is pushing away from me keeping him away from danger means that I cannot stop or hide from teh changing world. There will always be a time where I will be confronted with the dangers. There is no way I can escape. Each time the phrases were repeated verbatim as they had been in the dream. At first this was very unsettling. Now, it can be a comfort and a warning to prepare myself. There are some good books at your library that could help you decipher the content and meanings of your dreams. You may try to check them out or look for a decent site on the web for the same information.

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