Do you think Stanley Kubrick should have kept Alex North's score for 2001?

I actually think Alex North's music is better than the classical music used in the movie. A lot of people say it sounds nice but it would have made the movie feel more dated. I think it's just because they haven't seen 2001 with North's score and couldn't imagine it without classical music. If Kubrick had used North's music, I think people probably wouldn't be able to imagine it any other way too.

These tracks are really amazing in my opinion:

In the third one, I really like the part that comes after 4:15.

Kevin k2012-09-16T19:39:06Z

Favorite Answer

The only one I liked was "The Moon Rocket Bus;" but frankly it much better without the singer.

I think Kubrick chose the classical pieces over North's compositions to give the viewer sense of grace and elegance to space travel. The familiar pieces allowed the viewers to focus more on the images and less on the music.