What do you think will be the effect of the "secret videos" of Mitt Romney?

In this footage, Romney is clearly giving a particularly blunt and unfavorable opinion of half of Americans as well as other issues. What do you think of the tone of these comments vs. his tone when he knows he's on camera?




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It Will do nothing for his supporters those idiots already believe that brain diarrhea. As for independents it will definitely be a wakeup call. We all know who they think when they hear the word "entitlements" they're certainly not thinking about Veterans. disabled, old people who benefit from these programs the most. If they did they wouldn't seem like such heartless turds


We know that he isnt speaking about the people that need it .. 47% is really high to be on the dole.. and Yes Obama panders to that making it worse


Your comments reflect the effect.Twisting his remarks to dissing granny and and that he looks down on the lower class.

Little Red Hen 2.02012-09-18T06:38:32Z

What? Did he say that too many people expect handouts? Take a look around. He's not wrong.