Are you a Republicans that's middle class and will vote for Romney to raise your taxes?
And give the ultra rich tax cuts? And WHY?? Why?
And give the ultra rich tax cuts? And WHY?? Why?
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He will reduce my taxes by over turning Obama care which is a big tax on the middle class. So of course I will vote for Romney.
I'm voting for Romney, oh and by the way Obamacare is a TAX, the Supreme Court even ruled it so. So, Obama's already raising taxes on the Middle Class. Ultra rich...Guess what WEALTHY type has contributed 23 MILLION dollars to the Obama campaign? George Soros...* sure, yeah right, Obama is against the wealthy...*
I will vote for Romney because i can see where Obama is taking us and I don't want to go. There are enough 3rd world Countries in the world already.
Obama will tax everything he can and then think of something else.
And if you look at the "health care reform" you will find it has over 20 new or increased taxes in it. All will burden the middle class.
Jobs are the most important issue in this election. You tell me that Obama can do a better job with that, than Romney? RU serious? I am not even middle class - am 73 and living on $1000/mo, but unlike you libs, I "KNOW" what side this country's toast is buttered on - Private sector business/jobs. A concept not comprehended by the liberal mind! Romney/Ryan "12"
I'm middle class, and I'm voting for Romney. And you're wrong about him raising middle class taxes.