I'm poor and need advise on getting a job and clothes?

I'm 21 and I feel like I've nothing to show for it. I have no job, no car or license and I live with my mom who's a totally pain in the ***. There are literally no jobs in the area ( not kidding, I've applied for everything and no freaking luck). I even included that I'm fluent in Spanish and a few other languages but still no luck :/ . I am poor ( well if you can consider me poor w no money or transportation or good clothes) I've only like a couple hundred to my name and I'm saving it for doctors since I've a really bad condition with no cure for it. I've tried to get help or get on medicaid at least to I find a job but I'm screwed. Asking my mom for help,,, well that's a complete waist of time since she's an *** no really she is.. she doesn't cook, or buy food( canned goods, junk food, and cakes doesn't count) or even help me clean up ( have to ***** at her to even give me a hand with stuff like washing the clothes yeah I wash mine but I have to wash her shitty ones too and it's pisses me off cause if not they go dirty for like weeks at a time.) She constantly complains that "I dont have money cause I gotta pay bills" Well it's her damn fault she's the *** who gave away her money to jerks, let her perfectly good home get foreclosed cause the ******* bills were too high ( if you consider $500 a month too much for a 4 bedroom home ...) Talking to her is not way of getting around it she's ******* stupid and I feel i'm growing more dumb and stupid each and every second I'm around her. Moving out is not an option.... I have property in my name more than the state will allow ( to receive gov't housing) so ya... and I don't have a job so I'm screwed on that. I don't talk to my family like that since they got pissed that I was going to college and as for friends, I don't have any ( ya it's said but how do you keep friends when you're parents are disgusting lazy *** people and only wanna drink and **** )

Now I have had a few job offers but the thing is I don't have anything to wear to these job interviews and I cannot wear the same **** i wore to high school 2 years ago( jeans and a sweatshirt cause I'll be ****** over forevers.. I don't have any salvation army or any other charity based clothing store in the area ( the only one thats here is never open and it doesn't have alot of nice things in or around my size) there are others but in nearby towns like maybe 10-30 miles away and I'll have to give my mom like $40 for gas and I don't have that much to toss around cause I don't even have a job yet..

So I'm pretty much screwed over to the fullest unless I can get some answers on how to fix my issue ( and please no comments about praying or things will get better or stop downing yourself, i pray and I dont down myself all the time just right now I'm pissed off and i have nowhere to go so ya)

K Thanks ! :x


Favorite Answer

I was in your shoes at the end of 2009 when I was 20. I took enough abuse from my family long enough that I eventually signed up with the Air Force, Air National Guard (NOT THE ENTIRE REASON I JOINED) and decided I was done with that. Things are finally going the way I always wanted them to: I have money, I have a very nice car that I didn't have to go all out on :P, but I have a car (never owned one before) and I have my tuition and housing paid for after having done my part in the military. I go to a prestigious school, I have an extremely nice apartment with amazing roommates that I just met this semester and other than dreading school, life is great.

Now, I don't know much about your medical situation and if they'll accept you with whatever you have, but your medical records and current health have to be outstanding almost if you want in. You also need to be capable of passing the ASVAB test as well. So if you're rusty from not having taken classes for a while, you'll need to purchase a book to help you study for it.

If you don't want to do this, then that's up to you. Sometimes we have to be strong and do things not because we want to, but because we have to and need to for our well being. Am I saying that you should join the military solely for that purpose, hell no. It's a great way for you to help you, and it's a chance for you to help many others as well.

Other than that, I really have nothing for you. You can work hard with 2-3 jobs to survive on minimum wage or come up with an inventive way to make money through the use of the internet. Example: become a middleman with a company, make a website, sell their product through your little business, idk. That's something you would have to invest some time and money into: purchase of a domain, program to help create a website or purchase a template, etc.

Anyway, do what you want. I feared going into what I did, and now I'm happier than ever. Sometimes fear can be our greatest ally, you just have to cooperate with it. I hope you take what I've said into consideration. If not, work harder than anyone else so that you can live like no one else. I will work until the day I die. If this hasn't been enough motivation for you, in a short summary, then I don't know else could be said :P Good luck bud, I really hope the best for ya!

Edit: What was said by the person above gets a person by. I lived your life, I know what you're going through, I did that 9-5 job every day and got picked up from work late most days having my co-workers making fun of me for having nothing and being unfortunate. The real world doesn't work off a single minimum wage job. You can only do what you're doing for so long before you can't take anymore of it! But, you already sound like you can't handle life as it is anymore.


If you really need the money than any job should do. Whether it's a fast food joint or working at a grocery store. When you fill out a application make sure to always call back and find out if they looked at you application yet. That will up your chances at getting hired. Also if there are no jobs in your area try looking some where else. It's almost season so there is bound to be someone somewhere looking for someone to hire. Also if you have friends with a job apply where they work and have them put in a good word for you.


If you let me lick the bottoms of your shoes clean i will give you money, Yes im VERY serious!! Email me and name your price! Hope to ttys