What breeds do you see in her?

This is just for fun, I don't really need to know but I thought it would be interesting. She's listed as french bulldog/chihuahua

I see french bulldog, but when you see her in person there is NO chihuahua
What do you all think? I'm adopting her, by the way



Sisyphus- I realize that. I am simply asking, for fun mind you, what POSSIBLE breeds do people THINK she might be! You can see certain breeds characteristics showing through in mixed breeds, and I was simply seeing if anyone could see any.

I KNOW she's not a chihuahua. I said that.

I'm not an idiot.


Jenna White- I was thinking pit mix too! In person she has more Frenchie characteristics, mostly the underbite though it's not very pronounced. I was actually telling my sister I saw APBT in her


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She is entirely too large to be mixed like they are listing her. These people obviously don't know their dog breeds. Kudos for telling that other person off too. lulz.

Anyhow. The Frenchie I can kind of see, but it is subtle..Probably a parent was crossed with one. Based off her weight, height, and body posture, she looks to be crossed with American Pit bull Terrier. Or, by the common street name, a Pit bull mix. Don't let that discourage you from adopting her though. Nurture versus nature always prevails. I do know that some dogs have a bred in personality, and the same is true with Pit bulls. They are head strong, tenacious, and highly inquisitive. The enjoy pushing boundaries and testing the limits of what you will let them get away with and what you won't. Where training is concerned, you are never through; you have to reinforce the desired behaviors for the remainder of the dog's life. That is just part of their tenacity. However, if raised by the right person, in a loving and highly sociable home, they are some of the best dogs out there, purebred, mix bred or otherwise.

The APbT is the strongest trait I see in her. Her ears aren't quite right for a heavy French Bulldog mix, which points back to my earlier statement about one of her parents possibly being part Frenchie.

I say adopt her. Regardless of her pedigree, mixed bred dogs have less breed specific health issues, tend to live longer than their pure bred counterparts, and generally have the best(and sometimes the most annoying) personality traits of both heritages.

She looks playful and eager to learn and please.

Good luck.


I don't see either breed in her, and she's far too large to have either of those as a primary breed.

She strikes me as pitt bull because of her body type, muscles, and wrinkles. There could possibly be some shar-pai due to her color, wrinkles, and body type as well. Her ears throw me off, though. The ears could be anything - some kind of hound perhaps, or some lab maybe.

I would read up on training difficult breeds, because pitties, shar-pais, and even frenchies and chihuahaus are notorious for being somewhat difficult to train. Its always important with new dogs to establish who is the pack leader anyway.

Whatever she is, she is really really cute!


She's really cute! I have no idea what she's mixed with maybe lab??? But you're right, Chihuahua doesn't make much sense at all. How do you mix two small dogs and come up with a medium sized puppy?


She looks like a pug or small bulldog mix.

MtotheR MIGHTY RA!2012-09-20T19:57:27Z

Rhodesian Ridgeback, wrinkly head and the way the hair is on her back

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