Senors, do you enjoy reading the comments beneath the news stories?

I do add a comment once in awhile, but mostly it's fun to read them. The name-calling that goes on is astonishing! The internet is not at all conducive to friendly behavior, let's just say. Even the most innocuous of stories (the one about the baby panda dying, for example) draws out the haters. And the political stories - you get half of the comments crying about how the site is waaaay too liberal and the other half complaining about the site being waaaay too conservative.


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I did for awhile, but after reading all that rot, just felt awful and it's no wonder the world is depressed. Sometimes I'll be drawn in, but the headline has misled me and I'm disgusted that I wasted my time on it at all.


If it's a really off-the-wall, Man-Bites-Dog type of news story, then I sometimes look to see what the Peanut Gallery will have to say about it. You're right: The back and forth name calling is a lot like the dialogue in a Three Stooges short. But, after spending a great deal of my time among the luddy-duddles on Yahoo Seniors, where everything that does not meet the "guidelines" of the Yamster's Smiley-Face idea of propriety, it is exhilarating to once again see something close to real freedom of speech in action. Frankly, I wish we were allowed to say insulting things like that here. Not that I personally would, of course. I am always as pleasant as can be. But I'd like to be allowed to.

And once in a while, in that land of real free speech, there are truly interesting comments, made by people who would never dream of wasting their time coming to an insipid Happy-Face website like Yahoo Seniors.


I read the primary stanza and wanted to answer before it closed, but i'm dang certain not going to hurry this read! Will return! I'm happy I took the time to read this slowly, with care. You comprehend it is anything I identify with all too good, and yoiu have achieved a exotic thing in telling the story. It doesn't harm to think unhappy usually also please recollect HH has instructed us all along about his lack of ability to visualise...However Iano visualized us all in quite a lot of mutilated states, so nothing alike at all.


The BEST part is reading the comments! They make anything into an excuse to go on a political rampage. Check out the politics section on Y!Answers.. it's scary bad.

All we can do is laugh. If you're making an arguement through a computer screen it's kind of hard to take you seriously.


Yes, I do. Often I put up a comment if I'm interested in the story. I have not had any bad results from others reading my comment. Right now I have 12 TU on one.

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