Please answer if you own a small business!?

I'm doing a project for school and I need to know what the top three time management challenges are that small business owners face (in your opinion).

Thanks in advance!!!

◄|| G ||►2012-09-30T00:48:09Z

Favorite Answer

Budget - the number 1 problem in most businesses where every decision is based on that whether if its hiring help or firing existing employees. That makes managing challenging and based on how many departments can a single person control instead of hiring help.

Micromanagement vs. subcontract or management - micromanagement becomes a nightmare when a company expands. Using subcontract or hiring manager does not always prove effective either. Another challenge right there.

Outsourcing vs. local - Local help maybe more controllable but not always reliable or dedicated as oppose to outsourcing which must be reliable to get paid but managing it frequently hurts quality.

A Hunch2012-09-30T04:56:38Z

I can only think of two right now:

finding expertise, I can afford = I know I can't do everything and need support. For some things this is better on an external basis because it's not a full time job. But it's a real challenge to find people on a small business budget.
For example: I've been looking to hire a social media service. Remember social media is supposed t be "free" marketing. One company that said they specialized in small business wanted to charge me $3000 a month. That's a lot of stuff they have to sell to cover this costs. It's certainly not "free" marketing and for $36000 a year, why don't I hire someone enternally?!?

micro-managing = I don't WANT to be the kind of business owner that micro-manages. I don't WANT to spend time micromanaging. But it seems like everywhere I turn employees just don't take pride in their work and it makes me need to micromanage.
= I found out on Friday a marketing firm we were using (i.e. paying) was calling us a wrong name. Our company name and website url are different because someone in another industry has our "perfect" url so they were basically calling us XYZ-online when our name is XYZ
= this same company was suppose to respond to an email from another company. I asked/told them to contact this other company on Wed morning. Late Friday afternoon the owner of the company called and asked me "did you guys get my email from Monday?". How long does it take to send a 3 sentence email reply.
** It's not just this company. When someone goes above and beyond now, you really really recognize it!!