last period August 29 + test Low hcg?

Positive test last wed, than hcg 69.4 Thursday, Friday 114 and Sunday 240.. Do they seem ok. How far along am I. I think I ovulated on the 14 of sept, due to 30 day cycles.. anything would help I do know I have to wait but looking for suggestions.


Favorite Answer

This early in pregnancy, your HCG level should about double or more every other day. Yours are doing that, so you're good!


If you think you ovulated on Sept. 14, then you are about 4 weeks 3 days pregnant. You can google "conception calculator" and type in your ovulation date for your approximate due date.

♥Chastons Wifey♥2012-10-01T20:39:56Z

your hcg levels should double every day. my levels were 97,134,305,737,1820 and that was the highest i got before i miscarried. During that time my dr said it can go either way, an healthy pregnancy or a MC. Good luck to you!