What is Paranormal activity 4 being rated?

So me and my friend want to see Paranormal Activity 4 in theaters (October 19) and were only 13. Is it being rated R and for what? we really want to see it, so would we be able to see the movie if my mom bought us the tickets to see the movie (for me and my friend) and then leave so we could watch the movie just ourselves? Please leave other options that we could do to see this movie just us 2?! Thank you!


not rated as in points but as in rated R, pg-13, thank you


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its rated R because of frieghtening scenes or something but they have changed ratings before so it might become pg-13


Ikr mi and mi friend wanna see that movie but y is it rated r all of the othier are pg-13 man we were think if our mom bought us the tickets also man i hope they change it to pg 13 so bad


Wait for the advertisements to air on tv. It can be definitely "The quantity One movie In america" in keeping with critics. And you need to be 17 with an id to get into a Rated R movie


It's Rated R in america so you'll have to find out a way to get in :p


Rating just came out today - it's R.

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