What is a good way to improve stamina?

Recently, I have developed a habit of smoking shisha(flavored tobacco) which is most obviously going to make my breathing a little more difficult. I also noticed prior to this I just cant run for a long period without getting winded. I am not a husky guy or chunky by any means. I just want to know how I can prevent myself from getting so tired and be able to participate 100% instead of having to take a breather after giving it my all.


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Stamina improves by doing practice or workout. So do workout with some kind of sports training equipment that could helps you to improve your running speed as well as improve your stamina and endurance level.

Moe fernandez2012-10-04T08:04:05Z

1-stop smoking
2-eat healthy
3-jog for 100m and then sprint back then walk 100 m then sprint back repeat until you lose breath
4-sleep well and drink a gallon of water every day


You stop smoking shisha and exercise regularly every week increasing your drills.


stop smoking


to be helpful