Computer (DELL desktop) runs very slow when more than one tab opens?

Computer used to work fine until recently. It runs very slow when I open more than 1 tab at a time, it just searches aimlessly (minutes at a time). Can you tell me what would be the best way to fix this on my own? I have cleaned the history several times, and it gets defragmented automatically every week. Let me know what you could recommend. I am not overly computer savvy, so distinct steps would be helpful, if possible.

Many thanks!


Favorite Answer

it sounds like you have a lot of junk files and that something like the hd might be going out. try downloading ccleaner, install it and run it. it will clean up a lot of the useless files. also have the pc run file check program under the same area as you used to defrag your pc.


you have gotten a registry subject. - acquire "CCleaner" - set up it and stuff like - open this technique - there are tabs on the left area and click "registry" - the default would desire to be that each and all the packing containers are checked, if not, examine each and all the packing containers - click "test for subject concerns" - click "restoration chosen subject concerns" - click "no" - click "restoration all chosen subject concerns" - finally click "close" - repeat those steps till there at the instant are not any greater registry blunders to restoration - the "cleanser" tab on the left area is almost a greater stronger version of a recycling bin and you would be able to customize what you prefer to delete solid success