World Of Warcraft: How do I get season 12 PVP gear? Horde.?

How do you get to Lok'nor Bloodfist? He's the vendor of Dreadful gear, on the wall between Townlong Steppes and Kun-Lai Summit, in Pandaria. Do I have to be able to fly there, or is there a way to get up on the wall from a grounded mount?

ҤҾḶḶ ḶᶖҾڴ ὣᶖţħᶖת2012-10-06T18:18:47Z

Favorite Answer

They had vendors there on the beta and I don't think they're there anymore...but if they did indeed keep them and not just update the gear in the normal place you found the cata pvp gear I made a video on how to get on the wall.