What are some of the most creative Halloween costumes you've ever seen?

A couple of years ago I went to a Halloween party and a couple walked in...he was dressed like a hippie and she was dressed like a mime...they were "Peace and Quiet". Another attendee was wearing nothing but a pink camisole slip with the word "Freud" across it in big black felt letters...yep, you guessed it...she was a "Freudian slip".


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My sister went to a Halloween costume contest as a "Naked Lady in a Shower". She wore a full bodied leotard suit, nude color, and carried one of those shower curtain tubes with the shower curtain hanging from it. The shower curtain was clear and she went so far as to put on fake nipples. It looked real and she won first place.


Back when smoking was more acceptable my husband and I went to a party dressed as two packs of Kool cigarettes. We won a prize.

My daughter is VERY crafty and she made a flamingo costume for her oldest several years ago. It was wonderful. Another year she made a big ole strawberry costume. For a Dr. Seuss event at their school last year she made the two younger girls the most awesome Truffula tree costumes.


I went to a party once at a club and they had a contest for best costume. Four people came in attached with a box around them painted black. They had white clothing, white all over their faces, and white wigs. The word "Tampons" was written on the box. A box of tampons. They jumped up and down when called on stage.


Years ago at the Greenwich Village Holloween parade in NYC, I saw 2 people dressed as the Brooklyn Bridge, complete with the roadway(!) between them.


I remember a guy who turned up at a costume party wearing a bright yellow, floor-length conical cape. He had painted his face red and wore a tight-fitting red skull cap.

I asked him what he had come as, and he replied: "A zit".

He went on "I'm hoping some girl will come up to me and give me a squeeze".

I just cracked up

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