How can my 41 year old uncle run faster than me?

My uncle egged my brother and I on to a foot race when we were tossing the football before watching the game. My We ran down the street and back and he won by 75 feet. We all had regular tennis shoes on. I'm 17, 5'11 and 155 pounds. My uncle has a little more weight on him but is maybe 1/2 an inch taller. I don't understand it.


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If a person trains a 40 year old is about as fast as he was at 20. Of course everyone is different and your 41 year old uncle may be much faster than the average 20 year old, since he is obviously much faster than his nephews.
I could still run a sub 60 second 400 at the age of 61, which is much slower than the 51 second 400 I ran in my early 40s.


Actually, running is something you can keep improving even when you get older. Many marathon runners are in their 40s. I did a 10km mountain race last year in 51min and got overtaken by an old guy who looked nearly 70.


He probably runs daily... I know a 50 year old that does marathons...


probably cause your a little *****!!! Eat a dick 17 year old ******!!!! Slow ***** bet you never work out thats why lazy ****. Bet 50 dollars youre a fat lazy republican , *****


Cause he's faster