Senor Ladies: How different do you look without makeup on?

I went to my sister's last night and since it was just an informal get together with a group of close friends and family...I went without makeup. One of the other guests arrived and while greeting everyone, made a quick scan of the room and said: "Where's Sheila?...I thought she was coming". I raised my hand and said: I'm right here". They looked in the direction of my voice and then said: "Oh!..THERE you are...I didn't see you sitting there!"...but not before she could keep her eyes from widening and lettting out a little gasp. I just laughed and told her it was an ALMOST perfect recovery.


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I look like a blank sheet of paper, thanks to my Irish heritage.


hello I even ought to assert you've organic elegance for this reason with or without makeup - properly no noticebale distinction. yet in case you'll a get mutually or you pick to make a particular attempt keep on with makeup. Brownish tones ought to healthy you alot. Brown eyeliner and eye shadow ought to look brilliant with a contact of mascara. Reddish colorations of lipstick ought to also make you even extra wonderful that you already are. I also imagine that curly hair matches you so a lot extra. Greenish hues will look fab. To finish although, there's a mild distinction. once you've utilized your makeup, your eyes are extra wowww than they already are. XXX

Marilyn T2012-10-08T03:37:42Z

I am not sure if I look better with or without makeup but I feel better when I have it on.
My husband says I look younger without it.
I worked in the beauty industry and the casino industry so sort of a habit for me.
I don't go crazy and wear it swimming or on the beach.
I am super pale without anything on, have deep set almond shaped eyes, they look bigger and rounder with makeup on.
I feel too faded out with a bare face. I have cut down on how much I wear, only one coat of mascara unless it is a night out then it is 3 or 4 coats.
I have started wearing just a light lip gloss in the day used to wear heavy lipstick that stayed on all day long.
I have to say with the work I used to do, I was often just inches away from my customers when washing their hair or even just a foot away or so when dealing cards.
It was nice to have a sort of mask on to keep them out of my personal space so to speak.
People love to get in your face in these jobs, I did not want them to know the real me so I used makeup as a barrier, still do I suppose.


Since I don't wear makeup anyway ,except for VERY rare occasions maybe once in a year or two,people know me instantly...except in some cases when I let the hair colour grow out and have it cut very short.


I look more paler than ever!! without makeup!
SOoooo I quit wearing makeup cause I want to scare people LOL

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