Have you ever been to a 3-D movie?

Yesterday, I went to see my first 3-D movie ever...Hotel Transylania. I wanted to take my niece out for a treat, and I would have enjoyed the experience more, if it hadn't been for the 26 bucks for two tickets...and then another 12.50 for a medium popcorn and a medium Coke to split between us! It's POPCORN for cripes sake...not sirloin tip! We were going to go out for pizza afterwards...but I had only brought 40 dollars with me...I was kind of embarrassed...


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I do not enjoy 3D movies. Most of the time I don't think it really adds to the plot. Next time I will ask for children's glasses and see if they fit better. It annoys me when the bigger glasses sit on my face.

We try to go before 4:00 p.m. when the movies are often cheaper. Certain days are also less expensive. Not weekneds, that's for sure. Plus I always ask for my senior citizen discount.

We get small popcorn and pop for the simple reason that we never eat it all. We sneak in a candy bar or fruit, too.

How was the movie, btw?


I went to see the first 3-D movie that ever came out. I can't remember the name of it, but it was about Africa. It had Robert Stack in it. I also saw one about a roller-coaster, and it made me have motion sickness. The 3-D theaters they have today make the illusion better, but I still don't think it's worth the price. You have to pay extra for the cheap glasses, and if you go to the concession stand, that's more than the cost of a ticket. I think I'll just sit at home and watch Netflix.


At model village in Devon,there is a small picture house on the site and every hour or so,it's shows a short picture,Sherlock Holmes when I was there. Great special effects,one he was falling off something and the cinema seats dropped slightly,he ran through a pool and fine mist of water seemed to hit your face,other effects as we. I enjoyed it,vastly different from the old 'bug huts' 3-d's of the 50's.
$40, that's around £25, that was an expensive afternoon/evening out


that is extra effective to envision cost ticket sales truly that ask some human beings on-line how they experience about some thing. 20 solutions at the instantaneous are not likely to grant you a superior experience about the inhabitants often. the reality is that there is adequate human beings that like 3-D to keep it going so a procedures. Theater rooms exhibiting 3-D are out promoting theater rooms exhibiting that similar action picture in second. practically all cities which have a three-D exhibiting of a movie have it in second besides, and at many mutiplexes both variations are exhibiting. So convinced there are a superior form of poeple determining on the three-D version over the second one version. that is no longer like the entire usa is going loopy to purchase tickets for 3-D videos, yet adequate are exhibiting up for the showings to make it a superior funding.


I don't buy the junk food at the concessions stands. My ma didn't, so I think maybe that's why I don't.
I don't understand how people think they have to eat when they are in an inactive position (?)

But our local theaters charge extra for the 3-D viewings & they charge for the 3-D glasses on top of that.
I once tried the 3-D viewing with the glasses & it made my head spin. I had to take the glasses off. But the viewing was blurry.
I don't think I will go to another 3-D show until they come up with better technology.

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